Looking for the right choice to substitute your electrolytic capacitors?
Need large and powerful capacitance with heavy current and low induction ratings?
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Low-inductance DC capacitors
Excellence has a name
They power the DC links of the world‘s leading converter makers: our low-loss DC capacitors with high energy-density and low inductance.
E61 / E53-H
Directly Onto Bus Bar or PCB
Directly onto the busbar of your SiC buffer circuit. Minimized inductance and amazing current ratings, combined with the know-how from our PK16™.
Inductance as low as it can get
A minimum of self-inductance, amazing current capability given its size, with the lowest possible power losses – Pkmind® sets new standards for high-frequency applications.
DC capacitors with safety device
The first of their kind, worldwide. And with extremely low inductance.
The further optimization of our climate-proof GA85 series has paved the way to even more capacitance per volume and less self-inductance. But the best thing about it: the world's first, really functioning overpressure protection device for DC link capacitors.
DC capacitors with integrated safety device
Long life, safe failure mode. Our E63s are pure DC capacitors with high capacitance density and an autonomous break action mechanism (BAM).
Universal AC/DC capacitors with internal safety device
Our protected AC capacitors are suitable for DC applications as well. Thanks to SecuMet™, we can go far beyond the AC peak value.
Large Capacitances for Railway Applications
Large capacitances – as required.
Box-shaped capacitors with large capacitance and heavy current ratings, in robust and vibration-proof housings, custom-tailored to match your individual requirements.
E50.U SR17 DC
There’s no „no more“.
Future proof retrofit for old traction capacitors in MP technique.
Capacitors for special DC-Applications
E51 / E53 / E55
High Voltage DC Capacitors
Short current paths and strong terminals for applications with high frequencies and powerful surge currents. And a simple but effective solution for high-voltage applications: even in the 50kV range, we can do without expensive ceramic insulators.
In defibrillators, capacitors have to store and release a very large amount of energy for a brief moment. Again and again and again.
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